How to make this part of my code more efficient

Hello guys I’m currently working on this program. Sorry if pasting the whole code of my program is wrong as I did not find a way to import a file

import easygui
import sys

Setting the card items in nested dictionaries

cards_catalogue = {
“Stoneling”: {
“Strength”: 7,
“Speed”: 1,
“Stealth”: 25,
“Cunning”: 15

"Vexscream": {
    "Strength": 1,
    "Speed": 6,
    "Stealth": 21,
    "Cunning": 19

"Dawnmirage": {
    "Strength": 5,
    "Speed": 15,
    "Stealth": 18,
    "Cunning": 22

"Blazegolem": {
    "Strength": 15,
    "Speed": 20,
    "Stealth": 23,
    "Cunning": 6

"Websnake": {
    "Strength": 7,
    "Speed": 15,
    "Stelth": 10,
    "Cunning": 5

"Moldvine": {
    "Strength": 21,
    "Speed": 18,
    "Stealth": 14,
    "Cunning": 5

"Vortexwing": {
    "Strength": 19,
    "Speed": 13,
    "Stealth": 19,
    "Cunning": 2

"Rotthing": {
    "Strength": 16,
    "Speed": 7,
    "Stealth": 4,
    "Cunning": 12

"Froststep": {
    "Strength": 14,
    "Speed": 14,
    "Stealth": 17,
    "Cunning": 4

"Wispghoul": {
    "Strength": 17,
    "Speed": 19,
    "Stealth": 3,
    "Cunning": 2


Setting minimum and maximum

possible values

for each category


def display_options():
“”“Displays the menu options for the user”""

options = {
    "Add Card": add_card,
    "Find Card": find_card,
    "Delete Card": delete_card,
    "Output all": output_cards,
    "Exit": exit_program,

get_input = "Yes"

# Loop below continues until the user selects "Exit" from options
# and get input is set as "No"
while get_input != "No":
    msg = "What would you like to do?"
    title = "Card Catalogue Options"
    choices = []

    # For loop to populate the choices in the easygui menu
    for i in options:

    selection = easygui.buttonbox(msg, title, choices)

    if selection == None:

    # Calls a specific function, based on the users selection from
    # the cards.
    # For example, if user clicks on "Delete" button, it well be
    # get_input = options[leave()]
    get_input = options[selection]()

def add_card():
“”“Allows the user to add a card”""

add_more = "Yes"

while add_more == "Yes":
    card_name = easygui.enterbox("Enter the card name: ",
                                 title="Card Name")

    # Calls function to validate name input
    card_name = validate_name(card_name)

    if card_name == None:

    # Calls function to check if the card name is already used
    # if it is the user is told an error message and is
    # returned to the main menu options
    name_check = check_exists(card_name)

    if name_check == card_name:
        msg = "That card name has already been used"
        name_check = easygui.msgbox(msg)

        card_name = card_name.capitalize()
    cards_catalogue[card_name] = {}

    # Another functions

def find_card():
“”“Searches for a specific card from the catalogue.If the card is in
the catalogue, the card details are displayed on the screen
Otherwise the user is returned to the main menu options”""

msg = "Enter card to search"
title = "Card to search"
find_card = easygui.enterbox(msg, title)
find_card = validate_name(find_card)

if find_card == None:

# Calls function to check whether the card already exists
card = check_exists(find_card)

# Calls function to display card details on screen.
if card:

# If the comic does not exist, the user is told this and
# is returned to the main menu options

    msg = "There is no such card in the catalogue."
    title = "No card"
    no_card = easygui.msgbox(msg, title)

def delete_card():
“”“Allows the user to delete a card from the catalogue”""

msg = "Enter name of card you want to delete."
title = "comic to delete"
del_card = easygui.enterbox(msg, title)
del_card = validate_name(del_card)

if del_card == None:

# Calls function to check if the card exists
del_card = check_exists(del_card)

# If the card exists, the user is asked to confirm whether they
# want to delete the card. Otherwise they are shown an
# error message and returned to the main menu options

if del_card:
    msg = "Are you sure you want to delete the " + del_card \
              + "card?"
    title = "Confirm Delete"
    choices = ["Yes", "No"]
    sure = easygui.buttonbox(msg, title, choices)

    if sure == "Yes":
    msg = "That card is not on the menu"
    title = "ERROR: comic not on menu"
    error = easygui.msgbox(msg, title)

def output_cards():
“”“Prints the entire card catalogue to screen and to the shell”""

output = ""

for card in cards_catalogue:
    output = output + f"{card}:\n"

    for card_item, stats in cards_catalogue[card].items():

        output = output + f"    {card_item}: {stats}\n"

    output = output + "\n"

# Prints the card catalogue to the shell

easygui.msgbox(output, title = "Card Catalogue")

def validate_name(name):
“”“Input validation: Checks that the user has
input a valid name while adding, deleting or
searching for a card”""

# If the user presses enter without entering a name they see
# an error message, and prompted to enter the name again.

while name == "" or name == 0:
    msg = "A name must be entered"
    title = "Error: Name required"
    name = easygui.enterbox(msg, title)

def check_exists(find_card):
“”“Checks if the card exists in the catalogue when
the user is adding, deleting or searching for a

for card_name, card_info in cards_catalogue.items():
    if find_card.title() == card_name:
        card = card_name

def exit_program():
“”“Thanks the user for using the card catalogue and exits the program”""

easygui.msgbox("Thank you for using the program. Goodbye!",
               title = "Exiting Program")

def show_menu(name):
“”“Displays details of a crad that has been added by the user or
a card that has been searched for by the user”""

output = [f"\n\n***{name} Card Details ***\n"]

for value in cards_catalogue[name]:
    stats = format(cards_catalogue[name][(value)])
    info = value + ": " + stats
details = easygui.msgbox("\n". join(output))

def add_items(card_name):
“”" Allows the user to add items to the card"""

msg = “Enter items seperated by a comma”
title = “Item to add”
items = easygui.enterbox(msg, title)
items = validate_name(items)

if items == None:

items_list = items.split(",")

The code belows handles a situation

where the user puts a space after the comma and

when the user puts in an

invalid value for a category

for i in items_list:
item = i.strip()
msg = item + “: Enter Card Details”
title = item + “Details”
cards_catalogue[card_name][item] = easygui.integerbox(msg, title, 0, VALUE_MIN, VALUE_MAX)

if cards_catalogue[card_name][item] == None:

Calls function to display card details


def add_items(card_name):
msg = “Speed Details”
title = “Speed”
speed = easygui.integerbox(msg,title,0,VALUE_MIN,VALUE_MIN)

msg = “Stealth Details”
title = “Stealth”
staelth = easygui.integerbox(msg,title,0,VALUE_MIN,VALUE_MAX)

msg = “Strength Details”
title = “Strength”
strength = easygui.integerbox(msg,title,VALUE_MIN,VALUE_MAX)

msg = “Cunning Details”
title = “Cunning”
cunning = easygui.integerbox(msg,title,0,VALUE_MIN<VALUE_MAX)

Calls function to display card details


The main program starts here


As you can see I have two of the same functions. One of them is original and the one below is what I’m experimenting with and what I need help with.

def add_items(card_name):
msg = “Speed Details”
title = “Speed”
speed = easygui.integerbox(msg,title,0,VALUE_MIN,VALUE_MIN)

msg = “Stealth Details”
title = “Stealth”
staelth = easygui.integerbox(msg,title,0,VALUE_MIN,VALUE_MAX)

msg = “Strength Details”
title = “Strength”
strength = easygui.integerbox(msg,title,VALUE_MIN,VALUE_MAX)

msg = “Cunning Details”
title = “Cunning”
cunning = easygui.integerbox(msg,title,0,VALUE_MIN<VALUE_MAX)

Calls function to display card details


As I realized that each item in my dictionary has 4 categories. I did not want the user to be able to add more and instead give them the categories and just ask them to enter their details. For the code above I would like to know how to use a for loop to make it more efficient.