Version on Pyhton 3.7

(I’m french sorry if my english is not perfect)
I’m an IT security Engineer. I use Cyberwatch to know everything wrong in my System.
It ask me to upgrade python to 3.7.14. I have someone who make the upgrade (that’s not me) and I have to explain to him why 14 is bigger than 150. But I don’t know why … Is there someone who can explain it to me ?


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I just see I have the same problem with Python to 3.8.14

Maybe this will help:

See: the release notes under “Looking for a specific release?”

I saw it but there isn’t any version called

That’s because there is no (so far as I can see) v3.7.150

This is the search results for 3.7.15

But I have this, Python 3.7.0 version That doesn’t mean anything

The 150.0 suffix is not part of the Python version. It is set by wix, which is used to create the msi installer for windows.

You have Python 3.7.0 installed.

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thank you for the information. Now I know why 14 is bigger than 150 xD

Thanks all have a great day !

A little stupid question but how do you close the topic ? :sweat_smile:

You don’t really. This is an open discussion forum, not a trouble
ticket system, so nobody (aside from the moderators) gets to decide
when the discussion is over. Anyone can still reply to this if they
feel they have something worth saying about it.

ok thank you

I just noticed that when I hover over file python-3.11.0-amd64.exe, the ‘file version’ is ‘’. For 3.11.n past .0, it will be ‘3.11.n150.0’. Pre-final versions get a number smaller than ‘150’. The Microsoft store versions of Python add other (4-digit) numbers.

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