24 hour cooldown on requesting committer membership?

I tried to request committer member ship and got some error about some ‘phrase’, which I tried to correct, and then got

instead. I can appreciate preventing spam, but that seems harsh. Also, please add to committers :P:.

You are already added, see your Python logo flair on your avatar, and see your “CPython core developer” status next to your user name.

Thank you. The error and UI though are still concerns :). The group still offers membership requests.

The error is by design. You don’t want people to flood you with requests. One per day seems like a sensible thing. If it’s more urgent you can always poke people by different means (see: this thread! :smiley:). But it’s rarely that urgent.

However, the button is a bug definitely. I noticed this, too. We will report it.

It may be by design, but its a real stonewall experience, and if I wasn’t invested in this community already, I would have just closed the tab and metaphorically walked away.

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