Behaviour of `and` vs `&`

hello, I found the source code of the function and but not for & as I want to see why the truthfulness of only left condition is evaluated in case of and but did not find anything for it. Could someone please help?

and is a logical operation. It returns True if both of the operands are true.
& is a bitwise operator, performing a bit-by-bit operation.

Consider 42 and 24. If 42 was False (which it can’t be), the evaluation would stop. This is known as “lazy evaluation”. But the first statement is True, so the second statement is evaluated; which in this case is also True, so that is what will be returned.

Now, consider 42 & 24:

42 - 101010
24 - 011000
 & - 001000

001000 - 8

Just to add: I see, from the excellent post by @jeff5, that my answer is maybe not what you were looking for, but I’ll leave it posted; it could be of use to someone.

You may have found the source code for &, for some type, but you can’t have found the source code for and. In operator & both arguments will be evaluated and dealt with as @rob42 explained.

The compiler deals with and so that you get the short-circuit evaluation like this (varies with version of CPython):

>>> prog = """
if a and b():
>>> dis(compile(prog, '', 'exec'))
  2           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
              2 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       18
              4 LOAD_NAME                1 (b)
              6 CALL_FUNCTION            0
              8 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       18

  3          10 LOAD_NAME                2 (print)
             12 LOAD_CONST               0 ('hello')
             14 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             16 POP_TOP

  4     >>   18 LOAD_NAME                2 (print)
             20 LOAD_CONST               1 ('world')
             22 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             24 POP_TOP
             26 LOAD_CONST               2 (None)
             28 RETURN_VALUE

If a is false, b() is never called.

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Have a look at the __and__ magic method: Python __and__() Magic Method – Finxter

In almost all languages, boolean operations like ‘and’ or ‘&&’ are ‘short circuit’, AKA ‘lazy’. Usually, this is done with a slightly ugly hack to get laziness for just ‘and’ and ‘or’, though there does exist at least one language that is lazy all over: Haskell. Making a language lazy throughout is a lot of work, and not necessarily a good thing because it’s hard for the developer to reason about.

Python has lazy boolean operators and generators.