Issues with the correct syntax for my nested dictionary

I’m trying to use a nested dictionary for a small application I’m trying to write. but I am having what I am sure is a small syntax error ??? below is the code

data5TonHeat = {12:{25:{115:{“temp_rise”:7.3,“Cap_kBTUh”:43.9,“pwr_Kw”:5.1,“COP”:2.5, “HE_kBTUh”:26.5},
100:{“temp_rise”:7.6,“Cap_kBTUh”:45.5,“pwr_Kw”:4.4,“COP”:3.1, “HE_kBTUh”:30.6},
85:{“temp_rise”:7.9,“Cap_kBTUh”:47.1,“pwr_Kw”:3.6,“COP”:3.8, “HE_kBTUh”:34.7},
70:{“temp_rise”:8.1,“Cap_kBTUh”:48.7,“pwr_Kw”:2.9,“COP”:4.9, “HE_kBTUh”:38.7}}},
{30:{115:{“temp_rise”:7.3,“Cap_kBTUh”:43.9,“pwr_Kw”:5.1,“COP”:2.5, “HE_kBTUh”:26.5},
100:{“temp_rise”:7.6,“Cap_kBTUh”:45.5,“pwr_Kw”:4.4,“COP”:3.1, “HE_kBTUh”:30.6},
85:{“temp_rise”:7.9,“Cap_kBTUh”:47.1,“pwr_Kw”:3.6,“COP”:3.8, “HE_kBTUh”:34.7},
70:{“temp_rise”:8.1,“Cap_kBTUh”:48.7,“pwr_Kw”:2.9,“COP”:4.9, “HE_kBTUh”:38.7}}}


Hi Bob, and welcome.

You say you are sure you are having a syntax error. What’s the error?
Don’t be shy, copy and paste the traceback you get.

Generally Python exceptions are very helpful for solving these sorts of
problems, but actual syntax errors are, unfortunately, sometimes an
exception. The interpreter does its best to point to the place
where it first becomes aware of the error:

> x = 1 2
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    x = 1 2
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

but that might be some time after the actual fault, so you may need to
read backwards looking for (often) a missing bracket (round, square or
curly, as needed).

It may also help if you lay out your complex data structures nicely, to
make it more readable and less like a giant blob. Spaces between items
really helps. Splitting it over multiple lines helps too. Don’t be
scared to leave blank lines between sections.

That helps you see any structure in the data, and identify any errors
such as missing colons, commas, closing brackets (parentheses, braces)
or quotes.

Thx but I got it all result on a slack channel :+1: