Is fullstack python a good idea for my application?

I am writing an application now in python that uses Amazon’s MWS API which is the API used by Amazon sellers to be able to get info on sales, inventory etc. I am using python to queue and pull data from this API and store results in MySQL DB. I am now want to display some of that data and looking at what stack makes sense to use to display data. Here are my thoughts/assumptions

  • Python is working great for running these offline tasks but with the resulting reports are all being stored in a database there is nothing saying that I cant use something else to drive the website if better
  • I am not married to any other web stack. My web programming experience is so old that I have no ties to anything. Whatever I choose will learn from scratch. My python experience is lower intermediate but I am thinking if I use python in the website that will help my python experience grow
  • Not sure where to start. I had posted about looking to start with a simple python webstack to monitor just the queues of reports that need to be run. A few said start with flask but a few said that if I wanted my dashboard to update with out a page refresh I should not be using flask. Not sure if that is true or not.
  • Most of what I want to display if things are static or at least can be refreshed on page reload. But some value changes I might want to push out as they change on the database. Examples might be if I am tracking daily sales in dollars for one of my customers as my offline that grabs data from amazon reports a sales price change that should be updated on the dashboard without a reload. Its likely a small percent of the values on a dashboard that need to be pushed out but I see the value in pushing out values as they change.

Django seems to be one of the more popular phython frameworks. Is there anything that I should look out for when deciding if this is a good way to go?

Thanks so much for any input anyone might have.

I think yes if you have enough experience with python then yes. As you know python is easy and Django is a great framework. If your project is very serious or very important to you, then I recommend using something like react or any other js framework they are better for serious application.

And I also recommend that You use visual studio for this and a silly question.
What editor do you use.

Thanks for responding. I have more experience with python than most other languages. As far as webstack stuff most of my serious experience is over 20 years old, back when PHP was bleeding edge :slight_smile:

I have been watching a video series using python, django, javascript and react. I am most comfortable with Pycharm as that is what I used for all my python projects. I started with that but might look at VS Code. The demo that I am watching uses VS as well. Pycharm easily created me a working environment but I am not opposed to switching. This is the video I was watching to get a little more intro…

After completing basic of python concept, you have to switch Django for creating web app and apis. once you have done to all of the major concept then you can move on any JS framework (React, Vue, Angular) for full-stack developer.