Python for beginners - mobile app - help

So I downloaded the mobile app “Python for Beginners.” And I’m on a lesson plan, and not sure why my code is wrong, when I’m getting the correct answer.
Some help in explaining why its wrong?

I’m on 23.1 Lesson - else Statements

The project is to build a set of code to decide if a given year input is a Leap year or Not a leap year.
The input year is 1900
And the answer is supposed to be “Not a leap year.”
But, I’m told to try again as there are bugs.

Hi Duncan, and welcome!

Unless you edit your code with photoshop, please don’t post code as a
screen shot or photo. It means we have to re-type your code to run it,
which can lead to new errors, and makes it difficult or impossible for
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interface, to contribute.

Please copy and paste the code as text when posting, and don’t forget to
use the </> button to format it as code thank you.

So I have no idea what your code says, but 2000 actually is a leap year.
If the answer is supposed to be “Not a leap year” then the answer is
simply wrong.

A year is a leap year if:

  • it is divisible by 4;

  • except for years divisible by 100;

  • unless they are also divisible by 400.

So 1900 was not a leap year, but 2000 was; 2100 will not be a leap year,
but 2400 will be.

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‘if year == year%4:’
This test will always evaluate to False; plugging in your sandbox input gives 1900 == 0.
You just need to test ‘year%4’.

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Hi Steven,

Thank you for the input on how to share code, I will do that from now on.

As it turned out… I wasn’t supposed to use:
year == (year % 4)

I was supposed to use:
year % 4 == 0

As to why I was supposed to use the latter, I have no idea. Maybe I’m not fully grasping the “%” meaning or use. I know its supposed to be a mathematical problem that results in a “True” result.

8 hours later
I realized that the code:
2000 == (2000%4)
Results in a “False” result, because 2000%4 = 500, so therefore 2000 does not equal 500, and my code would spit out the wrong answer.

Then I realized that the modulas “%” function is used to help realize that a math problem will result in a “0” answer, only if the prenumber is evenly divisible by the postnumber…

So all in all, I never got the correct code written to solve the problem. But, I did write this code that solves it a different way:

year = int(input())
If year%4 == 0 and year%100 == 0 and year%400 == 0:
print (“Leap year”)
print (“Not a leap year”)

So I just moved on in my lessons.

Thanks Rick,

Ya, thats what my brain finally realized…lol

I’m a commercial truck driver attempting to learn how to program. I have an algorithm in my mind, but haven’t found anyone to create it, so I decided to learn how to code - so that I can create the algorithm myself…

Appreciate the help!