2021 Python books, beginner, intermediate and advanced

I am somewhat familiar with python, but still want to get beginner books to refresh. What are the best beginner, intermediate and advanced python books (2021 or somewhat new) that I can purchase to start learning

Thank you,
Jerod D

I find the RealPython books well written. I especially like the tricks book.

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I would recommend the following books

Learning Python 2nd ed. by Mark Lutz & David Ascher --good beginning book

Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho --excellent intermediate/advanced book

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+1 for Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho–2nd edition is out.


I cannot recommend this enough.

My intro was Zed Shaw learn python 3 the hard way then jumped into Fluent Python.

Apparently Zed’s book isn’t highly recommended but I enjoyed it a lot. Taught me bare bones python.