About .exe wrappers created by frontends when installing wheels on Windows?

I was speaking from the point of view of someone with the performance issue @paugier had described. I don’t have that problem myself, and as far as I’m concerned I have never found the performance of Python applications shipped via pipx or similar to be a problem.

Sorry for being unclear.

I see that as well, on Windows. But black is still fast enough (227 milliseconds on my PC) that it doesn’t matter in practice to me. Steve was quoting 2-5 second startup times caused by AV. Again, I’ve never seen that myself, but what I’m trying to establish is whether that 2-5 second overhead is exclusive to Python programs, or if it’s just a feature of “unsigned executables” in general.

Very probably :slightly_frowning_face:

Let me ask a non-hypothetical question. You say you see 2-5 second delays when running unsigned executables. On that system, do black and ruff have the same 2-5 second delay, or does black see a significantly longer delay (twice as much - 4-10 seconds - for example)?

Because my point is that unless Python is demonstrably worse than non-Python executables on a system with an AV causing that sort of overhead, I don’t think it’s something we should be worrying about solving. A developer who is concerned about that situation can solve it for Rust or C code (by signing the executable) and they can also solve it for Python (albeit with a bit more effort, by creating an executable and signing it, and distributing that executable).

That’s not true for .exe wrappers (which is what I thought we were talking about here) as they are extremely small executables that just forward to the Python interpreter. Speeding up the startup time of the Python interpreter is a worthy goal, but not something that would explain the different startup times between black and python -m black (the example reported by @paugier here).

The version of black I have isn’t compiled - it’s just a standard entry point wrapper that runs the black.patched_main function, as defined here.

Agreed - but comparing ruff against black isn’t the real question here. I confused the issue by mentioning ruff, as an example of a program built in Rust that wasn’t signed, not as an example of something that should have comparable performance to a Python program.

The question @paugier raised was why black ran slower than python -m black. No-one knows why that is[1], and the only plausible explanation anyone has come up with is AV programs and unsigned executables.

  1. there’s no difference on my PC, so it seems to be related to the environment, not Python itself ↩︎