def print_complete_btree(btree: Sequence, *, print_func: Callable[[str],Any] = print):
"""Prints complete binary tree in human readable format.
btree: Sequence containing elements of complete binary tree to be printed.
print_func: Function to which human readable lines are passed (``str`` without line break).
there’s a general function print_btree that prints some binary tree, which this visualize_heapq function uses - that’s probably the more general version
Why list[Any]? U are not modifing the sequence, so why can’t someone pass on a tuple. Why must they pass build-in type.
Why heap? U are not checking if it’s a heap, so why can’t someone pass on not yet heapified tree. For example, to show what heapify does.
Why only std output? With Ur code using print variable, someone can already override this global, so why not put it in locals. Makeing it easier to print (for example) to file.
All of that without significantly changeing Ur code. So just why?