I’d like to add another use-case for this.
I’m the maintainer of a small django library called django-components. I’ve run into a problem that I have a language-level solution (tagged strings) to, that I think would benefit the wider python community.
A component in my library is a combination of python code, html, css and javascript. Currently I glue things together with a python file, where you put the paths to the html, css and javascript. When run, it brings all of the files together into a component. But for small components, having to juggle four different files around is cumbersome, so I’ve started to look for a way to put everything related to the component in the same file. This makes it much easier to work on, understand, and with fewer places to make path errors.
class Calendar(component.Component):
template_string = '<span class="calendar"></span>'
css_string = '.calendar { background: pink }'
js_string = 'document.getElementsByClassName("calendar)[0].onclick = function() { alert("click!") }'
Seems simple enough, right? The problem is: There’s no syntax highlighting in my code editor for the three other languages. This makes for a horrible developer experience, where you constantly have to hunt for characters inside of strings. You saw the missing quote in js_string right?
If I instead use separate files, I get syntax highlighting and auto-completion for each file, because editors set language based on file type. But should I really have to choose?
First steps
I think a great first step would be to allow these kind of tags in the language, but don’t yet do anything with them. Then editors could implement highlighting and a lot of the wins could be realized quickly (?).