An idea to allow implicit return of NamedTuples

I was thinking about this in the past as well, often a namedtuple is much nicer than returning a plain tuple. In fact, I wrote a decorator that can automatically do that. However, the main issue is that currently, it doesn’t really play well with type-checking / autocompletion, so I am not actively using it…

It checks the AST of a function if all return node are tuples of equal length using equal variable names, and if so constructs a namedtuple with these names.

import ast
import textwrap
from import Callable, Sequence
from functools import partial, wraps
from inspect import getsource
from types import GenericAlias
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, ParamSpec

P = ParamSpec("P")

def get_exit_point_names(func: Callable) -> list[tuple[str, ...]]:
    """Return the variable names used in exit nodes."""
    source = textwrap.dedent(getsource(func))
    tree = ast.parse(source)
    exit_points = [node for node in ast.walk(tree) if isinstance(node, ast.Return)]

    var_names = []
    for exit_point in exit_points:
        assert isinstance(exit_point.value, ast.Tuple)

        e: tuple[str, ...] = ()
        for obj in exit_point.value.elts:
            assert isinstance(obj, ast.Name)
            e += (,)
    return var_names

def decorator(deco):
    """Decorator Factory."""

    def __decorator(__func__=None, **kwargs):
        if __func__ is None:
            return partial(deco, **kwargs)
        return deco(__func__, **kwargs)

    return __decorator

def return_namedtuple(
    func: Callable[P, tuple],
    name: Optional[str] = None,
    field_names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
) -> Callable[P, tuple]:
    """Convert a function's return type to a namedtuple."""
    name = f"{func.__name__}_tuple" if name is None else name

    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
    return_type: GenericAlias = func.__annotations__.get("return", NotImplemented)
    if return_type is NotImplemented:
        raise ValueError("No return type hint found.")
    if not issubclass(return_type.__origin__, tuple):
        raise TypeError("Return type hint is not a tuple.")

    type_hints = return_type.__args__
    potential_return_names = set(get_exit_point_names(func))

    if len(type_hints) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Return type hint is an empty tuple.")
    if Ellipsis in type_hints:
        raise ValueError("Return type hint is a variable length tuple.")
    if field_names is None:
        if len(potential_return_names) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Automatic detection of names failed.")
        field_names = potential_return_names.pop()
    elif any(len(r) != len(type_hints) for r in potential_return_names):
        raise ValueError("Number of names does not match number of return values.")

    # create namedtuple
    tuple_type: type[tuple] = NamedTuple(name, zip(field_names, type_hints))  # type: ignore[misc]

    def _wrapper(*func_args: P.args, **func_kwargs: P.kwargs) -> tuple:
        # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
        return tuple_type(*func(*func_args, **func_kwargs))

    return _wrapper

def test_namedtuple_decorator():
    def foo(x: int, y: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
        q, r = divmod(x, y)
        return q, r

    assert str(foo(5, 3)) == "foo_tuple(q=1, r=2)"

    def bar(x: int, y: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
        q, r = divmod(x, y)
        return q, r

    assert str(bar(5, 3)) == "divmod(q=1, r=2)"
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