[announce] Pybi and Posy

Sorry, but that’s not true.

The only property of Rust that is being used here is that it’s possible to run a rust binary on a computer that doesn’t already have Python installed on it. Which of course isn’t a property of Rust but compiled languages in general.

However, claiming that these problems are unsolvable doesn’t mesh with the reality today. For instance, posy could have just as easily been written in Python, and used one of the various strategies that exist to create a single file executable out of Python. Something like pyoxidizer, which even uses Rust itself to bootstrap the Python interpreter.

The language choice is a short coming, because it has the implication that the packaging tool isn’t capable enough to produce real world software that is meant to be deployed to end user machines, machines that you can’t rely on the system Python on. After all, there’s nothing inherently special about posy here, it’s just an application that wants to run without the dependence of an existing Python install.