Building sdist in place for local directories

ALSO super quickly, @bernatgabor and I had a text chat elsewhere about this and here’s my summary of it: (they OK’d me to post a summary, but might want to correct me if I’m wrong below)

  • If tree → wheel differs in behavior to tree → sdist → wheel, there’s a decent chance that the PyPI uploads are broken, if the maintainer isn’t using tox / check-manifest. And if the sdist is broken but not the wheel, that’s even less likely to be found until later – since pip will default to wheel installs.
    • Note that the failure is not at build time – but rather when installing from sdist.
  • There are no guarantees that the result of build_sdist → unpack → build_wheel should be the same as build_wheel. It’s reasonable to expect it to be. But it’s not required by the PEP. Maybe, we should modify the PEP to explicitly make this a guarantee that the backend must provide/maintain.

  • Every subprocess call involves significant overhead as the interpreter needs to initialize itself all over again
  • Doing the extra sdist step makes pip behave more like a distribution validation tool, rather an installation one
    • check-manifest exists because setuptools is bad at this :slight_smile:
      • improve setuptools be better at this
  • The backend should take ownership of its correct behaviour. It would be preferable to have a tool built, that allows users to do such validations, rather than pip doing it on all systems, all machines, all the time