Calculate Area Under Curve Given a Set of Coordinates

You don’t need to install the csv module, it is a standard module that comes pre-installed with Python.

pip is not a Python module as such (well, it kinda is, but let’s not get bogged down in technicalities). It is an application (“app”) or tool that is written in Python, but you have to call it from your operating system’s command prompt, not the Python interpreter.

You don’t use pip from inside the Python interpreter: if you see the >>> prompt, you are inside the interpreter, also called the Python REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop).

You need to call pip from your OS’s command prompt, also called a “shell” or “xterm” or “terminal” or “console”. Typically it will have a prompt that looks like $ or %.

(Windows users may know it as or cmd.exe, I think. Hey Windows folks, what is the preferred shell these days? Powershell?)

You can call pip install SomePackageName but we recommend that you instead use python -m pip install SomePackageName instead, as that is more reliable when you have more than one Python interpreter installed.