Hello, I have 2 computers that are connected to the same home network. Computer 1 is the client, Computer 2 is the server. I have implemented a simple client-server code in Python. When I run it, it works. But when I reverse the roles (Computer 1 - server, Computer 2 - client), it doesn’t. The problem is with computer 1. I have tried to disable firewalls, change ports etc. I can’t seem to find what the problem is that prevents computer 1 from accepting connections.
Any ideas?
Update; Apparently the problem was with the public network firewall, as I had to add “Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol” to the exceptions.
which import packages are you using for this project?
Not Sure, Standard ones I guess. I didn’t add anything…
You’re not importing any external communication packages to aid in the communication (i.e., socket
, struct
, etc.)?
Yes, I did import “socket”
You will need to share more details like the error you see when it does not work. Also can you share the code? If the code is too big try creating a small test version that you can test and share.