erg_1 = hex(int(ergs[0]))
while ergs[0] is str 7, erg_1 is 0x7 type string, ok so good so far, but
while ergs[0] is str 20, erg_1 shows 0x20 while expected 0x14
What did i misunderstand
erg_1 = hex(int(ergs[0]))
while ergs[0] is str 7, erg_1 is 0x7 type string, ok so good so far, but
while ergs[0] is str 20, erg_1 shows 0x20 while expected 0x14
What did i misunderstand
Please print each part of the expression what do you see?
For example:
here ist the complete function. If i.e. there are 2 values requested the cli is 22 33. Some command calls that function with:
start_node, end_node = get_cli_params(2,“Usage: Startnode Endnode”)
and expects two hex equivalents of the input in cli
def get_cli_params(param_count, usage_message):
get cli input, check for length
it is assumed that there are max two parameters!
:param param_count: number of parameters requested
:param usage_message: message to display if parmams not valid
:returns: 2 parameters as hex string or ""
ergs = [0,0] # init array to store results from loop
erg_1 = "" # preset first return value
erg_2 = "" # preset second return value
args = len(sys.argv) # get nuber of args, name is counted too
if args != param_count + 1: # add 1 for name itself, ergs must be equal param_count + 1
print(usage_message) # print usage message
exit() # exit
for i in range(1,param_count + 1): # number params OK, loop through parameter
if sys.argv[i].isnumeric(): # input string has to be numeric
pass # is OK do nothing
else: # if not
print("Only Numbers allowed") # print error message
exit() # exit
ergs[i-1] = int(sys.argv[i], 16) # save input to array
if param_count == 1: # only one parameter requested
erg_1 = hex(int(ergs[0]))
erg_1 = hex(ergs[0])
erg_2 = hex(int(ergs[1]))
return erg_1, erg_2
there is still a lot a lot of debug code, including yours, in it
Explain this line to me, what it does and what you expect it to do.
As the parameters are read in a loop I can not put it in the return parameter direct. so I store them in an array temporaly. i-1 why i starts at 1 and array index starts at 0. The array values are copied to the retur parameter at the end
Okay, but what exactly are you storing?
I suspect that this code is over-engineered for what it’s doing. There’s a lot of conversions going on, and I’m not sure you need them all. The line I highlighted is probably a part of your problem, although it could be that it’s correct and your expectations further down need to be adjusted.
what I want to store and I hope I do, is the hex value of the input params.
So i.e if the first input is i.e a string 22, meaning int 22, should return as a byte representing 18.
May be I have a misunderstanding in conversion or or value representation in Python.
This may help. Built-in Functions — Python 3.13.1 documentation
No it doesn’t. It’s 0x14 as expected.