Describe python "project" structure

how can you be sure what information is required to arrive
at an answer?

My answer is very simple - I work with what I have and make the best guess.
If the source covers / answers everything 100 % I would pick another hobby…

Since the software I am trying to “reverse engineer” does not include anything describing the project folders I am pretty much on my own. The “stuff” on giothuiub is also pretty much abandoned… Yes there are some “fixes” but that doe sno help much.

As I said - I like to add another function / functionality to the project and since it is my first attempt using Python I am just curios how to oganoize / where to add my stuff.

I prefer to add my stuff in a separate place , such as a new folder etc.

Yes , I can add “new project” using PyCharm but that is very minimal as far as organization and using folders.

Basically I would like to have this

initialize project - such as clone etc.
subfolder - version control

project classes – including main
subfolder - classes additions

class functions / process


That is what I like to see as "project structure ".