Yes this. Sorry for not being clear and making assumptions in my original post.
By man
-style, I mean documentation (of both C functions and shell commands) where the non-flag parameters (ie positional) are described in prose just after the signature. This is also recommended by click
reverse X [--repeat N]
Output the reverse of the string X
--repeat N repeat the output N times
To list explicitly means to have effectively a bullet-list of all (positional and keyword etc) parameters under the signature, with a list item for each parameter (including parameter typing and description).
reverse(X, repeat=1)
Reverse a string
X (string): string to reverse
repeat (int): repeat the reverse string multiple times
string: reversed string
I disagree, I think inline style is more relevant where it doesn’t make sense to individually describe the parameters. For example, Compare the following with pow
’s actual documentation:
pow(base, exp)
Exponentiate a number
base: number to exponentiate
exp: power to exponentiate to
resultant value