Fabric commands throwing Error in Windows

Hi All,

I am trying execute the fab commands which are integrated in fabric file, so using fab commands to perform the tasks locally

Below are the steps followed: I am using Windows 10 OS

Install AWS and ASK CLI [latest version] inside Virtual Env with Python version 3.8
Installed required python libraries
Create a docker container inside Virtual Env
After this when I run fab dev, ended up with below error, where localdev is the method have created in the fabfile to call the below.

(vitual_env) PS C:\Users\user\local_folder> fab dev
[localhost] local: node C:\Users\user\local_folder\node_modules\ask-cli\bin\ask.js api -p my_profile update-skill --skill-id skill-id to be replaced -f C:\Users\user\local_folder\.reports\skill.json
Command not recognized. Please run “ask” to check the user instructions.

Fatal error: local() encountered an error (return code 1) while executing 'node [localhost] local: node C:\Users\user\local_folder\node_modules\ask-cli\bin\ask.js api -p my_profile update-skill --skill-id skill-id to be replaced -f C:\Users\user\local_folder.reports\skill.json


Can someone please let me know am I missing something here