I have a bunch of data in a polars dataframe. Now I like to target specific entries by addressing string entries in a column. The names are in the form of A01-B01 where I like to iterate through part of all entries as such: A01 to A10 and B01 to B48 For clarity: this would mean that I want 480 hits. Is there a neat way of doing this in Python.
Quasi code:
For all rows in DF
if( A[iterator1]-B[iterator2] = string name in polars DF
do something cool
Can you print out the results that aren’t hitting so I can see them? That might help (you and I) figure this out. It could be something as simple as changing the if to:
Your code worked like a charm, sorry about that. I just put A10-B10 and got one hit. How do I write to cover the first nine like A01-B01, A02-B01 etc.?