For your consideration: Proposed bylaws changes to improve our membership experience

As Thomas pointed out, we have only 12 Board members today. Even assuming they all showed up for a meeting (which appears to almost never happen anymore), the difference between “simple majority” and “2/3rds supermajority” is the difference between 7 and 8. Hardly seems worth any effort to make such a small distinction.

There’s actually no debate here over the text we’ll be voting on. It was presented as “done deal - take it or leave it. exactly as already presented - it’s already too late to make any material changes”. That is, the debate has been only about whether to vote yea or nay, because that’s the only choice on the table to be made.

In some later vote, maybe. But - ya - seems unlikely to me too

Indeed, it’s my guess that that’s what’s really driving this. It explains so much that seems odd; e.g., why the initial post only mentioned “Fellows”, when the actual new text applies to all membership classes.

“There are some Fellows we believe should be ejected from the community for good cause, but the current bylaws don’t give us the power. Please vote to give us that power now, so we can act ASAP.” would have been forthright (if that’s actually the case, of course) and far more compelling to me.