This is a simple emotion simulator. What I’m trying to do is have the program post what it is feeling. Have the user input changes to the feelings, and also chat with it. But the updates freeze up the rest of it.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import threading
import time
from transformers import pipeline
class EmotionNeuralNetwork:
def __init__(self):
# Create a simple feedforward neural network
self.model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, activation="relu", input_shape=(3,)), # Input layer (event intensity)
tf.keras.layers.Dense(8, activation="relu"), # Hidden layer
tf.keras.layers.Dense(4, activation="softmax") # Output layer (happiness, sadness, fear, anger)
self.model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss="categorical_crossentropy")
# Initialize emotional states
self.emotions = ["happiness", "sadness", "fear", "anger"]
self.state = {emotion: 0.25 for emotion in self.emotions} # Equal starting weights
def process_event(self, event):
# Convert event to neural network input
event_data = np.array([event["positive"], event["negative"], event["neutral"]]).reshape(1, -1)
# Predict emotional states
output = self.model.predict(event_data, verbose=0)
self.state = {self.emotions[i]: float(output[0][i]) for i in range(len(self.emotions))}
return self.state
def train(self, data, labels):
# Train the network with historical data (supervised learning), np.array(labels), epochs=10)
def get_dominant_emotion(self):
# Return the dominant emotion
return max(self.state, key=self.state.get)
class ActiveAI:
def __init__(self):
self.emotion_nn = EmotionNeuralNetwork() = True
def input_event(self, event):
# Manually input data to affect emotional state
updated_state = self.emotion_nn.process_event(event)
print(f"Updated Emotional State: {updated_state}")
return updated_state
def monitor_state(self):
dominant_emotion = self.emotion_nn.get_dominant_emotion()
print(f"Dominant Emotion: {dominant_emotion}")
time.sleep(5) # Monitor state every 5 seconds
def start(self):
# Start monitoring the emotional state in a background thread
threading.Thread(target=self.monitor_state, daemon=True).start()
def stop(self): = False
class ChatBot:
def __init__(self):
# Load the DialoGPT model using the text-generation pipeline
self.chat_model = pipeline("text-generation", model="microsoft/DialoGPT-medium")
self.conversation_context = "" # Store conversation history for context
def chat(self, input_text):
# Append user input to the conversation context
self.conversation_context += f"User: {input_text}\nAI: "
# Generate a response using the model
response = self.chat_model(
self.conversation_context, max_length=200, pad_token_id=50256
# Extract the generated text
generated_text = response[0]["generated_text"]
# Extract only the latest AI response from the generated text
ai_response = generated_text.split("AI:")[-1].strip()
# Update the context with the AI's response
self.conversation_context += f"{ai_response}\n"
return ai_response
class EmotionallyAwareChatBot:
def __init__(self):
self.active_ai = ActiveAI()
self.chat_bot = ChatBot()
self.emotional_context = ""
def respond(self, user_input):
# Modify the chatbot's response based on the dominant emotion
dominant_emotion = self.active_ai.emotion_nn.get_dominant_emotion()
if dominant_emotion == "happiness":
self.emotional_context = "I'm feeling happy!"
elif dominant_emotion == "sadness":
self.emotional_context = "I'm feeling a bit down."
elif dominant_emotion == "fear":
self.emotional_context = "I'm feeling scared."
elif dominant_emotion == "anger":
self.emotional_context = "I'm feeling angry."
# Combine emotional context with chatbot response
bot_response =
return f"{self.emotional_context} {bot_response}"
def input_event(self, event):
# Pass event to the emotional state system
def start(self):
# Start the AI system
def stop(self):
# Stop the AI system
if __name__ == "__main__":
ai = EmotionallyAwareChatBot()
while True:
# Input events to influence emotional state
event_type = input("Enter event type (positive/negative/neutral): ").strip().lower()
intensity = float(input("Enter event intensity (0.0 to 1.0): "))
event = {"positive": 0.0, "negative": 0.0, "neutral": 0.0}
event[event_type] = intensity
# Chat with the AI
user_input = input("You: ")
response = ai.respond(user_input)
print(f"AI: {response}")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("AI stopped.")