Getting The Wrong Day From The Time Module

Hello Pythoneers,

I am currently using the time module to obtain the date since I use the date as part of the file name that I create. Today being the 28th, when I run the script I get the 29th. Can someone please verify if they obtain the same result. Here is a simple script to run to test the module:

from time import gmtime, strftime
print('The day of the month is: ', strftime("%d", gmtime()))

I am using Windows 11. I have tested this on both IDLE and PyCharm and I obtain the same results.

Here is a screenshot of the IDLE and PyCharm test results:

You’re using gmtime, which returns the time in UTC.

Are you in a timezone that’s several hours behind UTC?

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Shouldn’t the date reflect that which is on my system?

I will instead use this one:

import datetime
current_time =


If you wanted the local time you’d use localtime.

gmtime stands for “Greenwich Mean Time” and returns UTC, as I said.

Strictly speaking, Greenwich Mean Time isn’t the same thing as UTC, but the terms are often used interchangeably.


Yeah, the difference between GMT and UTC is that GMT never locked in any concept of leap seconds, so it’s slightly less precisely defined. As a general rule, you can consider “GMT” to be an archaic term meaning “UTC” and you’ll never be very far wrong.