Hello From Yilton Martinez

can anyone help me with this code I can’t get all three shapes to display after the pop-up window for level comes up?

The Koch snowflake is a fractal shape. At level 0, the shape is an equilateral triangle. At level 1, each line segment is split into four equal parts, producing an equilateral bump in the middle of each segment. Figure 7-15 shows these shapes at levels 0, 1, and 2.

3 levels of a Koch snowflake. Level 0: an equilateral triangle. Level 1: a 6-point star. Level 2: a snowflake resembling a 6-point star with a triangular bump in each segment.

Figure 7-15 First three levels of a Koch snowflake

At the top level, the script uses a function drawFractalLine to draw three fractal lines. Each line is specified by a given distance, direction (angle), and level:

  • The initial angles are 0, -120, and 120 degrees.
  • The initial distance can be any size, such as 200 pixels.
  • If the level is 0, then the turtle moves the given distance in the given direction. Otherwise, the function draws four fractal lines with ⅓ of the given distance, angles that produce the given effect, and the given level minus 1.

The function drawFractalLine is recursive.

Write a script that draws the Koch snowflake.

Define a function main that will draw a Koch snowflake with the following parameters when the program is run:

  • Width = 200
  • Height = 200
  • Size = 150
  • Level = 4