Help adding a custom message to a fetch message

  async def run(self, delay: int = DELAY) -> None:
        self._run: bool = True
        while self._run:
            msgs: List[TgSessionMessage] = await self._tg.fetch_messages()   
            msgs: msgs + " @everyone" 
            if len(msgs) > 0:
      'Fetched {len(msgs)} message(s)')
                #for msg in msgs:
                #    for media in msg.get_stored_media():
                 #       print(media)
                [await self._ds.forward_message(msg) for msg in msgs]

trying to get the message to tag @everyone when sending to discord from telegram

This is not a python question?
Its a telegram or discord API question?

it using python language so not sure how to answer that question

Well, yes, but if there isn’t a discord users forum or mailing list this
is an ok place to start. With luck someone here is familiar with the

Cameron Simpson

Please specify what Python Telegram/Discord packages you’re working
with. All you’ve got here is a bare method with no context.