How can I get my code put into a pop-up window using Tkinter

I’m trying to create a program to help people with their time management, but I can’t figure out how to get it into tkinter.

I have 4 inputs that are put into if statements that determine if someone spends their time well or not.

# used to identify specific information given by the User

work = int(input('How many hours do you spend working each day?: '))
sleep = int(input('How many hours do you spend sleeping each day?: '))
outside = int(input('How many hours do you spend outside each day?: '))
relax = int(input('How many hours do you spend relaxing each day?: '))

List and dictionary to help keep responces organised and more efficient

action = [“working”, “sleeping”, ‘outside’, ‘relaxing’]

message = {
0: 'You can spend more time ',
1: 'You spend the recommended time ',
2: 'You spend too much time ',
3: ‘, try investing some time into something else.’

good = 0

This is what I have to get the inputs from the users which also includes some basic simplicity for later statements

if work < 4:

print(message[0] + action[0] + ‘.’)
elif 6.1 > work > 3.9:
print(message[1] + action[0] + ‘.’)
good = good + 1
print(message[2] + action[0] + message[3])

I have 4 total if statements similar to the one above to determine if they spend their time well or not.

I’m still learning, but I really think being able to put this into a pop-up window would be a useful skill to have.