How should a lockfile PEP (665 successor) look like?

I’m stilling planning to do this in mousebender. Getting packaging.metadata parsing METADATA files is the next step in this work.

I still don’t want to touch that in a v1 as it is an inherent compromise in environment reproducibility.

Got an idea (What information is needed to choose the right dependency (file) for a platform? is part of it).

I have a design in my head that would allow for different lock files for different platforms. The steps necessary to get there are:

  1. packaging.metadata to read METADATA files
  2. Resolver using resolvelib that only considers wheels
  3. Tool to generate the lock file(s)
  4. Tool to install from the lock file(s)

Steps 2 - 3 I’m assuming will be in mousebender since they are somewhat specific, although I do plan to have this all accessible via APIs.

It’s only intractable if you try to please all the people all the time. :wink: If you are willing to bound the use-case and how people will interact with the tool you can get a solution, but you have to choose the target use-case first (my design addresses app/cloud/deployment developers).