How to learn python in a structured method?

I recently learnt python basics including the syntax, etc. off of youtube. I have been attempting various projects. I started learning Pygame too recently. I want to have a clear plan to become a master of this programming language. Can any experienced person(s) guide me and provide me with a step-by-step plan? Assume I am a complete beginner who doesn’t even know about the print statement in python

You’re stuck in “tutorial hell”, where you keep doing basic tutorials and never feel like you’re progressing. It’s very common. My solution:

Read Python Crash Course or (plug for my own book) Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. This will cover the basics. Automate is free online.

Then take the Coursera Algorithmic Toolbox course for a basic “data structures and algorithms” course. (This is the term to google for what freshmen computer science students take.)

Also read Effective Python or Fluent Python for advanced Python knowledge. Also find good PyCon talks on topics you’re interested in at

These are pretty big steps, and the key is to stick with them, rather than just read/watch for a week and then move on to something else because you get bored.