How to make sure we have plenty of council nominees and what should their qualifications be?

My original concern even before acknowledging that external candidates are involved derived from Guido’s comment which made me realize that because many core-devs may be too shy to nominate themselves we may end up having few potential candidates to choose from.

That is why I suggested implementing some sort of a 2-step process in which we all publicly nominate each other first, as a possible strategy to minimize “shyness”, collect more candidates and allow us to express a vote based on quality/trust rather than on scarcity of people.

After acknowledging that external people are involved I’m a bit puzzled because I’m not sure I understand what the implications of this may be in practice. For instance, does the newcomer also become a core-dev? What kind of ability or vision is it expected from them? What kind of distribution should we expect in terms of mere numbers? As of today is there an estimate on how many people are actually interested in the role?