How would you like to declare runtime dependencies and Python requirements for PEP 723?

I like this, and as you say it’s basically a bikeshed colour, so I don’t think it’s worth much debate. Anything would work, this is nice, great - job done.

However, there’s an ongoing poll with 5 days left to run, which might come up with a different result (this is essentially option 2). I think we have to wait for the poll to complete before actually doing anything. People who like this idea and haven’t already voted option 2 can vote (or change their vote) if they want to support it.

The one point someone made is that top-level values in TOML must come before any sections. That seems fine to me, but it is a (small) limitation and it might be inconvenient in some situations[1]. It’s worth noting explicitly, though.

I think “it’s up to the tool” covers this. We provide the namespace, tools decide for themselves how layering works, what’s appropriate for a project and what’s appropriate for a script, etc. If users want consistency and tools don’t provide it, that’s something for the tools to address based on user feedback. No need for the standards process to get involved at all.

  1. not that I can really think of any ↩︎