I would imagine there is a way to place code that you would be writing over and over into a template, so when you were going to write a new project that started with a blank form or window, you wouldn’t have to re-write the code that brings up a window.
If I’m on Eclipse anyone know how to place code in a template?
you can create your own libraries if that is what you’re referring to (similar to what you already do when you import names from either Python provided libraries or 3rd party libraries; via pip install).
You can create your own Python notes where you save have common or not so common small scripts that you can refer to for easy reference so that you don’t have to go on a wild goose chase.
If you’re thinking in terms of a project template, you can already do that your self. Create one, save it as “project_template” (or similar what works for you). Open it, populate it as you would any other project then save it as a different name so that the “project_template” stays intact for future use.