I am getting an error: "The requested API level higher than the configured API compatibility level", and not sure why? My goal is to build Python 3.10.7 with Openssl 3.0.5 binarIes on Windows

Hi Team,
I’m trying to build Python 3.10.7 sources with Openssl 3.0.5 external binaries on windows with the help of Visual studio 2017. But, I’m getting the below error.

openssl\macros.h(139): fatal error C1189: #error: “The requested API level higher than the configured API compatibility level” [D:\Python-3.10.7\PCbuild_ssl.vcxproj]

Can you please help with this build issue?

I would suggest that you read the openssl\macros.h header file at line 139 to find out what it is checking for.

Note: 3.10.8 was just released with more bug fixes. Upgrade if you can.

If you build with \PCbuild\build.bat, it will fetch into \externals the openssl-bin-1.1.1q files that Windows python is currently configured to work with. (Perhaps you know this already.) The error message suggests that you need to patch at least PCBuild_ssl.vcxproj. But I would not be surprised if you have to also patch some of the Modules_ssl files. I do see _ssl_data_300.h but I don’t know if it is tested and ready to use.

Sticking with the default 1.1.1 would be easier.