I have a piece of code that allows me to download a csv file from the web data server, like eg. temperature, humidity etc.
My data download has a start date and an end date by having it written from the terminal with raw_input, (eg I want the data starting from 01-10-2020 to 10-08-2020) with the various measurements and up to here it works.
Now the problem I’m having is that I would need this data over a month or a year to say that I need to hang more csv files. As I did, it can’t download for more than a month or a year, maybe it’s the server that’s causing problems.
So how can I write to the previously created csv file, another csv file overwritten to the other without changing the one that was written before with a new date?
If you can help me thank you in advance.
This “core development” channel is for issues related to creating the Python language itself.
Questions about how to use Python should be asked in the Users channel.
Thanks! I hope you get your answer in the Users channel.
Oh thank you. I just signed up on this forum and I still don’t know how to move
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No problem. Thanks!