I need help please!

ecrire un programme python qui permet de verifier si un nombre est divisible par 137 ou non en utilisant le principe suivant:
il suffit de séparer ce nombre par tranche de 4 chiffres en partant des unités (droite du nombre) et d’insérer alternativement des - et des + entre les tranches à partir du début du nombre (gauche du nombre) en commençant par un -, On effectue l’opération ainsi écrite et si le résultat est divisible par 137, alors le nombre considéré est divisible par 137.

Is there any requirement on the specific method for how to test for divisibility by 137, when the number has no more than 4 digits?

The number formed by the last four decimal digits of an int x can be obtained as x % 10000.

The number obtained by removing the last four digits can be computed as x // 10000.

So, you can, while x != 0 accumulate the result of x % 10000 alternating sign and replace the current x with x // 10000.

If the result is greater than or equal to 10000 recursively return the result of calling the same function on that.

If the result is less than 10000 and is one of the numbers in

small_multiples_of_137 = {137 * k for k in range(10000 // 137 + 1)}

which are the multiples of 137 with no more than four digits, you return True. If it is less than 10000 and not on that set, return False. The test of being on that set or not can be replaced by some other way to test divisibility by 137 for small numbers. It depends on what is required. Maybe they are OK with doing result % 137 == 0, for small numbers.


I’d use the divmod() function, but maybe I’m not fully understanding the request for ‘help’.