I really need help trying to run this Python script

The path that you use for cd will depend upon where the tabs.json file is. Where is it? (Please do not put things directly into the Python311 folder or any of its subfolders yourself. Let the installers do that.)

Also, you should not need administrator privileges for this; and “your users folder” should look like C:\Users\Anastasia (or whatever your actual username is on your computer), not just C:\Users. If you open a normal command prompt (not an admin one), IIRC it should start in the correct users folder automatically.

If, for example, you can see the tabs.json file on your desktop, then that is the Desktop sub-folder of your users folder.

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OK, here’s the path to my folder with the Python script & Tabs JSON file in it:
C:\Users\User\Desktop\MORE DESKTOP STUFF THAT NEEDS SORTING OUT IMMEDIATELY!\the-great-suspender-restore-urls-0.4

So, how should I type everything in Command Prompt, again? Just to make sure there’s absolutely no mistakes. :slight_smile:


Besides, I don’t wanna keep having to post about failed attempts at running my script. I just wanna get the exact code I need to type in Command Prompt, successfully run the GSRU script, restore all of the tab URLs in my JSON document, & be done with it.

If you please. :slight_smile:

I really hope I’m not imposing by asking the above question, BTW.

OK, I’m going to try this one more time. If something still goes wrong, I’ll be sure to let you know.

Complete path to the Python script & Tabs JSON file:
C:\Users\User\Desktop\MORE DESKTOP STUFF THAT NEEDS SORTING OUT IMMEDIATELY!\the-great-suspender-restore-urls-0.4

C:\Windows\System32>cd /Users

C:\Users>cd “Desktop\MORE DESKTOP STUFF THAT NEEDS SORTING OUT IMMEDIATELY!\the-great-suspender-restore-urls-0.4”

restore-the-great-suspender-urls --in-file=tabs.json --out-file=tabs-restored.json

Also, I found a trick that may also work for me. I’ll try that, too. :slight_smile: