This won’t make you more comfortable, alas: the OP in that topic didn’t even mention the CoC. The SC has power to put whatever restrictions it likes, for whatever reasons it deems sufficient, on participating in core development. That’s why, e.g. the OP says things like “CPython Core team”. A distinction that’s likely to whiz right over most PSF members’ heads.
If, e.g. any of the things I posted could plausibly have been sold as “a CoC violation” (which would be a real stretch to many eyes), I would have been hit with one (or dozens ) already.
The SC could, e.g. unilaterally revoke my "commit bit’ on the CPython GIthub repository for, say, “not meeting the high standards expected of CPython Core developers”.
Will they? I don’t know. It’s pretty clear the OP wouldn’t have been made unless they wanted to lay PR groundwork for “making an example” of someone. While I would advise them not to pick on anyone without 99.98% compelling cause, better me than someone who credits at least part of their income to “CPython core dev” status.