In the below python code , components generate in functional form . Anyone help to resolve this issue to got a proper computational output and remove errors

import sympy as sp
from scipy.special import gamma

Define variables and functions

t, x, alpha, s = sp.symbols(‘t x alpha s’, positive=True)
n = sp.symbols(‘n’, integer=True)
f = sp.Function(‘f’) # f_n(x, t) will be defined iteratively
alpha = 1.0

Define Elzaki Transform

def elzaki_transform(func, var, transform_var):
return sp.integrate(transform_var*func * sp.exp(-var / transform_var), (var, 0, sp.oo))

Define Inverse Elzaki Transform

def inverse_elzaki_transform(transform_func, transform_var):
return sp.inverse_laplace_transform(transform_func, transform_var, t)

Define the functional correction method

def correction_functional(f_prev, x, t, alpha):
# Define the delay term
delay_term = f_prev.subs(t, t - 1)

# Define the RHS of the equation
rhs = x**2 * t - delay_term

# Apply Elzaki Transform to RHS
transformed_rhs = elzaki_transform(rhs, t, s)

# Multiply by s^alpha for fractional derivative correction
corrected_transform = s**alpha * transformed_rhs

# Apply inverse Elzaki transform to get back to time domain
corrected_function = inverse_elzaki_transform(corrected_transform, s)

# Add the initial condition x^2
return corrected_function

Example: Initialize f_0(x, t)

f_0 = x2
#f_1 = x

Compute f_1(x, t) using correctional functional

#f_1 = correction_functional(f_0, x, t, alpha)
#print(“First Iteration f_1(x, t):”)

Optional: Perform more iterations for better accuracy

iterations = 3
f_previous = f_0
for i in range(iterations):
f_current = correction_functional(f_previous, x, t, alpha)
print(f"\nIteration {i + 1}:")

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