Inclusive communications expectations in Python spaces

I have been “exposed to shunning” too many times to care about it any more, really. But I do care about the stress and trauma involved in trying to explain myself clearly; going out of my way to try and avoid leaving points that others could complain about and thus derail my argument; and just generally feeling like I am about to subject myself, yet again, to a game played by someone else’s rules, applied inconsistently.

To be fair: if I knew that a medication would empower me to take more appropriately timed breaks for personal care while in the middle of obsessing over some personal project - or conversely, not to leave personal projects shelved literally for months or even years because I somehow just can’t get myself to come back to them - and it were safe and affordable and readily available, I would happily take it. (But my understanding is that effective ADHD medications tend to be controlled substances.)

Perfectly said.