Inclusive communications expectations in Python spaces

Well, when “missing the point” s universal, rational discussion is in fact not possible :wink:.

I can tell you for a fact that more than just a few PSF members are terrified by the possibility that the CoC WG will ruin their careers. Do they bring that up with the WG or SC? No. They’re already terrified. They’re far more likely to bring it up with me, which is why I hear about it. On the flip side, “X said a bad word” complaints are far more likely to end up in the WG’s inbox than in mine. Even when I agree, I have no power to “do something” about it. In the former case, I have no power either, but since I’m long retired I have no career to protect. All I can do is reflect their concerns, but I’ll no more “name names” than the SC will.

Nobody has a full view here, and everyone is biased, That’s how humans are wired. Confirmation bias is a universal human cognitive defect, and “group confirmation bias” is all but impossible to overcome.

Reflect that back. When someone is saying they find the SC’s actions or statements are over the line, that too is an expression of pain. But they increasingly fear to say anything in public, so, ya, in a “like” popularity contest, I’m always going to lose.

In the “good old days”, Python was more welcoming to my eyes. For example, some developers are just plain hard to work with, routinely impatient and dismissive. They were welcome too, although never became popular. I confess that diversity of viewpoint is important to me too, and more important than being as inoffensive as toast.

The current notion of “welcome” is conditioned on criteria so subjective, who can tell? Well, the CoC WG can, because that’s their job now.

It was the Board’s job when the CoC was first adopted. David Mertz and I were both on the Board at the time, and already recounted at some length how inherently arbitrary and unprincipled our deliberations were. That wasn’t for lack of trying, There was simply no consensus to be had,

Unless human nature has changed in the meantime, there’s no reason to believe that’s fundamentally changed. You either have people who can’t reach agreement, or groupthink has come to wholly dominate.

AFAIK, it hasn’t happened to me yet. If it does, my reaction will depend entirely on details of the specific edits made. For example, I may thank them for the change. Or I may delete the post entirely rather than allow a gross misrepresentation to persist. The idea that the edit must be “good” just because someone with the power to make it did so doesn’t get off the ground with me.

Discourse did “auto-hide” a few of my posts. I had no reaction at all, beyond giving up trying to guess about why (so I could edit out the claimed offense, about which Discourse says not one word). I don’t care much about that - it was merely a minor waste of time. The mods soon enough resurrected those posts on their own initiative.