Json does not support Mapping and MutableMapping

When iterating dict, json module iterate the internal structure of the dict direclty. (e.g. PyDict_Iter) It is very fast.
On the other hand, when iterating Mapping, it does:

for key in m.keys():
    value = mapping[key]
    serialize_map(key, value)

Since m.__getitem__ is implemented in Python, we need one Python call per iterating each item.

Calling Python method is much slower than iterating C array.

$ pyperf timeit -s 'd = dict.fromkeys(range(1000))' -- 'dict(d)'
Mean +- std dev: 18.8 us +- 0.2 us

$ pyperf timeit -s 'import collections; d = collections.UserDict.fromkeys(range(1000))' -- 'dict(d)'
Mean +- std dev: 208 us +- 1 us

$ pyperf timeit -s 'import collections; d = collections.UserDict.fromkeys(range(1000))' -- 'dict(d.data)'
Mean +- std dev: 18.8 us +- 0.2 us

See this example. If we serialize arbitrary Mapping, this example will not work.

class MyMapping(abc.Mapping):
    def __init__(self, dict):
        self._data = dict

def custom_serialize(obj):
    if isinsintance(obj, MyMapping):
        d = {"__type__": "MyMapping"}
        return d

J = json.dumps(someobj, default=custom_serialize)


def custom_deserialize(d):
    if d.get("__type__") == "MyMapping":
        del d["__type__"]
        return MyMapping(d)
    return d


json.loads(J, object_hook=custom_deserialize)
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