Lambda function dictionary update

Updating a dictionary using lambda function doesn’t take d[‘key’]=‘value’ instead it only considers d.update({‘key’:‘value’}) within the lambda function.
When you update a dictionary using normal method. you can do it so
by d[‘key’]=‘value’
But the same method doen’s work when using lambda function
lambda x,y: d[‘x’]=y for x,y in args / kwargs
Instead it takes this as
lambda x: d.update({‘x’,y}) for x,y in args/kwargs

I’ve found about it recently , i want to make a suggestion if the d[‘x’]=y can be implemented in lambda function. Please let me know if this found and idea is useful and anything else that can be notified on it.

A lambda defines a simple function without its own name. That’s why it is used mainly when there is no need to refer to it by name, often as an argument in a function call. You could bind a name to a lambda by storing it in a variable, but PEP-8 recommends against it.

A lambda is limited to a single expression. The reason an assingnment like d[key]=value cannot be used is that it’s a statement, not an expression.

If those two limitations do not fit the intended usage, a regular function def funcname(...): should be used instead.

The advantage of lambdas and probably the reason for their existence is they are “light-weight” - short and in one line. Proposing to enhance the lambdas to be as capable as regular functions goes in the opposite direction.


No, that doesn’t work, either. Has syntax errors and args and kwargs would be undefined. Better fix that so we know what case you actually have.