Make Pip detect Pip/Python mismatch

This isn’t an idea for Python as such, it’s a feature request for pip. If you want to see this, I suggest you raise it on the pip tracker. But it’s nowhere near as simple as you suggest:

  • You need to cater for the zipapp build, so you can’t use __file__ like this.
  • Just assuming that you can find python relative to pip is unlikely to work in general.
  • You can’t assume the Python executable is called python or is on PATH. The Window launcher is an example where this won’t be the case.
  • There’s no guarantee the user has a which command - you should use shutil.which.

So if you want this to go anywhere, you should create a PR that implements the functionality you want. Or if you just raise a feature request, I’ll copy this comment into it and mark the request as “awaiting PR”. But I doubt anyone else is likely to tackle it - we’ve had this issue/question for years, and no-one has been motivated to do anything about it (or if they have, they’ve failed).

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