Move to the PSF Code of Conduct?

The Conduct WG had a chat and this is what we think we would ask of the PyPA and what that would then mean the PyPA would get:

  1. Have a file (repo or org).
  2. MD file links to
  3. MD file lists who the admins/moderators are to contact in case of an incident.
  4. MD file mentions that in cases which involve the above admins/moderators, feel free to email
  5. Admins/moderators are expected to report up to the Conduct WG any incidents for recording purposes.
  6. We promise to help admins/moderators with any questions/needs they may have.
  7. The PyPA also gets to directly use the PSF CoC and any ancillary things (i.e. reporting guidelines and enforcement guide).

Does this all seem reasonable to folks?