My thoughts on the Packaging PEP process

If a moderator indicates that something is off topic in a specific place, don’t continue to do it there. Next time you do so, you’ll be prevented from posting for a few days to cool off.

You’re reading way too much and too negatively into the motivations of maintainers and moderators. They are not some nefarious group out to make things difficult for you, and they are not ignoring on topic feedback. However, they won’t stop the established PEP process that has worked successfully every time someone dislikes something about the process or a specific PEP. And they’re not required to change the process to match every piece feedback, regardless of how much of it you write, or how strongly you word it.

People do successfully leave feedback and processes do get modified. I’d advise looking around and finding how that’s worked in the past, and comparing successful feedback and process development to the style you use here.