Newbie wondering if it is possible to control MS Access with Python?

I have a MS Access database. Every month, I need to export 100+ excel files manually based on different criteria from this database.
I am wondering if it is possible to let Python distinguish, pick, and export data from MS Access automatically?
I already have pyodbc installed and have MS Access connected with Python IDLE. Now I am able to read data through Python IDLE. Am I on the right way? If not, please explain.

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Assuming you’re on Windows with Office installed, pyodbc can connect to an Access file through the ODBC interface. You can find more information on the project wiki:

There are a few alternatives if you don’t have Office and/or Windows, but they are much more obscure (I don’t have experience with any of them either).

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I have pyodbc installed already. I will keep studying it.
Thank you for your advises.

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