PEP 2026: Calendar versioning for Python

Yes, it would continue to report the version:

>>> sys.version_info
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=26, micro=0, ...)
>>> sys.version
'3.26.0 (v3.26.0:..., Oct 1 2026, 12:50:24) [...]'
>>> platform.python_version()
>>> platform.python_version_tuple()
('3', '26', '0')

Nitpick: October release, but I get your point, and thanks for the norwegianblue plug :wink:

I will add that there are many alphas, betas, and release candidates during the release year, at least 10. We very much want people to be aware the release is coming, to get involved and start testing and reporting bugs before the big October release so we can fix them.

For example, during the beta phase, third-party library maintainers are strongly encouraged to test, and it’s extremely important to get as much exposure as possible.

Yes, this is an excellent point. :+1:

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