PEP 609: PyPA Governance

I’m not comfortable with us putting this forward for an SC review without a writeup providing the relevant context around this PEP.

I do think that a writeup covering a few key points, provided with the PEP (maybe, as part of it) should be available when we present this to the SC. It would go a long way in aiding the decision making process. There’s a lot of discussion undertaken toward this PEP, which only represents one of the options we could take.

(edit: moar words)

Another way to put what I’m trying to say would be: I think the PEP doesn’t do a good job of describing the “alternatives” and is incomplete in that regard, especially since this information isn’t available in an easily accessible form currently (spread over multiple threads, across multiple platforms). I do view this information as important enough to be a blocker for moving forward with the current draft for an SC review.

And, uh, to err on the side of caution… I’ll also state that I am in favor of this PEP and really don’t wanna stall this discussion unnecessarily. Hopefully, this isn’t a surprise to anyone, given that I’m a co-author on the PEP and it is based on a model I initially designed/worked on in PyPA Governance - A "Status-Quo" Model to get the ball rolling again on this topic. :slight_smile:

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