For a real example, the dependency declaration in would become:
dependencies = [
'cached-property >= 1.2.0, < 2',
'distro >= 1.5.0, < 2',
'docker[ssh] >= 4.2.2, < 5',
'dockerpty >= 0.4.1, < 1',
'docopt >= 0.6.1, < 1',
'jsonschema >= 2.5.1, < 4',
'PyYAML >= 3.10, < 6',
'python-dotenv >= 0.13.0, < 1',
'requests >= 2.20.0, < 3',
'texttable >= 0.9.0, < 2',
'websocket-client >= 0.32.0, < 1',
# Conditional
'backports.shutil_get_terminal_size == 1.0.0; python_version < "3.3"',
'backports.ssl_match_hostname >= 3.5, < 4; python_version < "3.5"',
'colorama >= 0.4, < 1; sys_platform == "win32"',
'enum34 >= 1.0.4, < 2; python_version < "3.4"',
'ipaddress >= 1.0.16, < 2; python_version < "3.3"',
'subprocess32 >= 3.5.4, < 4; python_version < "3.2"',
socks = [ 'PySocks >= 1.5.6, != 1.5.7, < 2' ]
tests = [
'ddt >= 1.2.2, < 2',
'pytest < 6',
'mock >= 1.0.1, < 4; python_version < "3.4"',
Note: it would also be cool if we allowed multiline literal strings in addition to arrays to get rid of quoting and commas. Basically, the same parsing for files read by pip with the -r