PEP 621: round 3

So far, I’ve been pretty happy with it. We’ll see how it goes as more people try to use it.

One question that I wondered about: what should a tool like Flit do if there are extra keys in the [project] table which it doesn’t recognise? I.e. is it meant to be extensible, and if so, will it be OK for implementations to ignore new keys, or should they bail out if there’s anything they don’t understand? For now, I’ve gone for a warning (“Unexpected names under [project]”) but no error.

Flit isn’t doing much with the license field at present - it includes a file if one is specified, but doesn’t put anything in the metadata for it. I understand we’re waiting on PEP 639 to define more precise ways of describing licenses in metadata (let’s not get into that question on this thread).

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